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来源:网络整理  发布者:admin  发布时间:2024-03-18 01:38:10


1、B:";Hey A,hows your trip to Harbin?";A:";Well,thank you";C:";What are some of the travel sites you went in Harbin?";A:";I went to the black dragon river。

2、SHARON: First I want to look in the travel guide.雪伦:我先看看旅游指南。Maybe they don';t have tours in the morning.很可能早上不开放参观。

3、关于旅游计划的三人英语对话具体如下:A:We will have a vacation next month. Why not have a tour?A:我们下个月有假期。为什么不去旅游呢?B:Good idea. Where shall we go?B:好主意。


1、有关旅游英语情景对话篇一 司机: Can I help you?我能帮您吗?乘客: Yes. I’ve got two suitcases.是的,我有两只行李箱。司机: I’ll open the trunk.我来把后备厢开启。

2、SHARON: First I want to look in the travel guide.雪伦:我先看看旅游指南。Maybe they don';t have tours in the morning.很可能早上不开放参观。

3、关于旅游英语情景对话1 服务员: Beijing Hotel, front desk.您好!北京饭店前台。客人: Hello. I’d like to reserve a room with a single bed.你好,我想订个单人间。


1、Dear John,You said you will come here and I am very excited .Let me tell you something about my hometown 。

2、W: While,not bad, I';ll go with you and have a look, it';s so hard to say ";let';s go shoping"; from your mouth, I remember last time when you said that, Washington was the president.H:OK。

3、J:hi,everybody.I just came back from Beijing.L:wow,that';s cool.You almots go around the world。


1、Go to the summer resort 去避暑胜地 Excuse me. Is there any summer resort around the town?请问,这附近有避暑胜地吗?As far as I know, the nearest one is next to the Wellington.据我所知。

2、有关旅游英语的对话篇1 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。Zhang Hong: Really? I think it';s interesting.真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。

3、有关旅游英语情景对话篇一 司机: Can I help you?我能帮您吗?乘客: Yes. I’ve got two suitcases.是的,我有两只行李箱。司机: I’ll open the trunk.我来把后备厢开启。


